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Question: How can I know that the Holy Ghost is in me? I attended
a revival...and I don't feel the urge to jump around.

1. Regarding  the miraculous working of the Holy Spirit see file
2. Regarding feelings as proof that one has the Holy Spirit, see
Judges 16:18-20. Samson did not "feel" any different (than 13:25;
14:5,19). He did not know that the Lord was departed from him
3. Today people place much emphasis upon "feelings" as proof they
have the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, it never tells how they felt,
even among those who could do the miraculous.
4. The only way we know for sure is by what the Bible says
(Jer.17:9). Like asking how do you know your sins are forgiven?
Answer is Mk.16:16; then 1 John 1:9. Similarly, Acts 2:38 promises
the gift of the H.S. God gives the Spirit to those who obey Him
(Acts 5:32); his intercession (Rom. 8:26); bearing fruit in our
lives (Gal. 5:22-23). Working through word (Eph.6:17). Cf.Eph.

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