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Question from a member of a denominational church: a) Which churches
are man-made? b) Which churches are the right ones to go to?

1. Eph. 4:4-7. Is it important to believe that there is one Lord?
What about one God? The one Spirit? The first thing in the list,
however, is "There is one body."
     a. This is one of the major obstacles which many have, because
of the religious division with which we are surrounded.
     b. Mt. 16:18: Jesus promised to build His church; Acts 20:28:
He purchased the church with His blood.
     c. Seed of the kingdom is the word of God, Luke 8:ll. An
immutable law of God is that the seed reproduces after its kind. If
we believe and obey what inspired men taught in the New Testament,
it will make of us Christians, and we will be added to the church
of the Lord.

2. There were in N.T. times man-made religious organizations,
religious beliefs and practices which were of human origin. Matt.
15. These did not have the Lord's approval.

3. Regarding which one is right, etc. We know that there is a way
which is right and cannot be wrong. That is the Lord's way. The
problem comes when we want our way.
     a. Read the book of Acts. To become members, what did they do?
     b. To what church were they added?
     b. Where were the headquarters; how were they organized?
     c. Did they have women preachers, etc.?
May God bless you in your search for truth (Acts 17:11). May you
have the courage to do what you learn is the Lord's will.

If you have corrections, questions, comments or suggestions about these questions and answers, please contact Leon Mauldin directly at

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